Webster defines a JOB as ‘Providing a product or service for pay’.
Webster defines a CAREER as ‘A way of measuring one’s progress through life’.
So, do you have a ‘job’ or a ‘career’?

Just imagine getting ready to leave for work in the morning and your mate asks you what you have on tap for the day. You respond with “I’m off to provide a product or service for pay.” Hmmm, not very exciting is it?

On the other hand, with the same scenario, (and as silly as the verbiage sounds), you respond with “I am going to, once more, measure my progress in life.”

We spend a majority of our waking life in our work. With this being the case, it is sad to recognize that for most of humankind, it’s a ‘job’. It is no coincidence that the restaurant chain, ‘T.G.I.F.’ has its popularity not just from the food it serves. The acronym stands for ‘Thank Goodness It’s Friday’. And the new term for Wednesdays is ‘Hump Day’, created to recognize that our work week is half over!

A person could fall madly in love on a Sunday evening, however they would still be depressed and stressed because, after all, work was the next day. On the other hand, we could find that our house had burned down, yet this would not be so bad if the news came on a Friday afternoon!

How many people realize that, with this mentality, 5/7’s of their life is living for the remaining 2/7’s? And, by the way, how many weekends end in exhaustion over the errands, chauffeuring, repairs and chores.

Please note that I am not painting work with the ‘White Hat’ and weekends with the ‘Black Hat’. Balance is essential (although most folks do not have a clue as to how true balance could be a reality in their lives).

In our LIVING CHAOS FREE E-Learning Platform, the Introduction asks the participant to partake in our ‘Envision Statement’. Two of these visions that our program is capable of achieving are the following:

· I envision enjoying all of my Sunday afternoons and evenings, no longer having a panic attack about all of the work I know is awaiting me on Monday morning.

· I envision awakening EVERY weekday morning, actually looking forward to going to work.

So…if you now see yourself in a ‘job’, see how there is now close to 100,000 graduates from our training experiencing, what they do a majority of their waking life, now being…A way of measuring their progress through life.

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