I have come to realize that in this world of cyberspace, there is a need for 'cyber-etiquette. You make a call and end up in the person's voice-mail. You take the time to leave a brief, yet detailed, message seeking information that you need.

The person calls you back, saying "Hi, I see that you called me," And then there is silence. You break the silence by asking "Do you have the answers to my questions?" Their response many times is "Oh, I didn't bother to listen to your message. I'm just returning your call." Now it's up to you to remember what questions you originally asked.

Now that's VOICE-MAIL EXASPERATION. I'm aware that we live in an age wherein speed and multi-tasking is the norm, yet I consider this to be duly lacking in respect.

Maybe the new age announcement on our voice-mail should state: "Hi, I'm out right now and because I'm such a very busy person, only leave your name and number as I will not likely bother to listen to why you called in the first place."

Oh yes, there is also what I call VOICE-MAIL SUICIDE. This is when the individual you are calling has their voice-mail announcement stating, "The person to whom you are calling has their mailbox filled to capacity, therefore you will not be able to leave a message at this time...CLICK". Why not have it simply state-"My great aunt just died leaving me a small fortune, therefore I do not need your business any longer."

Then there is my absolute favorite. The person leaves a long, rambling message that you are forced to listen to in order to gather an iota of the purpose for their call. It is not until the very end of their monologue that they grace you with the reason for the call. The topper is they then leave their phone number at a verbal light speed that no human ear could discern and promptly hang up.

In this age of bragging about how much we can accomplish in a given day, perhaps it would be a pretty good idea to see that by slowing down we, many times, get much farther down the road en route to our goal.

Len Merson, Founder & C.E.O.
Chaos Over, Inc.
1.88.VERY CALM (Toll free)
619.980.7372 (Direct line)

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